Monday, July 09, 2007

She POSED for this cover shot!

This New York cover story is getting a ton of press because Katie Couric takes a gi-normous bite out of the hand that feeds her, CBS News. Some of her coworkers bite back, so yeah, it's pretty juicy. But it's this cover shot that has me shaking my head. God, but this is awful. Why, Katie, why? Is this how you think serious journalists are supposed to look? Do you hate yourself for leaving Matt, Ann and Al? Are you trying to show us the dark side of perky?


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I think the "Oh my God, what did I do?" refers to that cover shot.hI'm all for showing people as they really are, but that doesn't have to include harsh lighting and unflattering poses or camera angles!!

  2. See..the thing is;

    I give Katie her due: I *did* name her as one of my 13 women role models...she *is* the 1st female anchor to solo anchor the 6pm news...she's a 'serious' reporter...blah,blah,blah...

    I still say - and have always maintained - she looks like Doctor Zira from 'Planet of the Apes'.

  3. OMG! I will NEVER be able to look at Katie again without thinking of Planet of the Apes!


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