Friday, September 13, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Minute by Minute (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) It's easier to keep track of the minutes if your timepiece has a second hand. As you answer these questions, are you wearing a watch or can you see a clock that has a second hand? Yes. I'm in the bedroom and the alarm clocks on my nightstand each have a second hand. (Yes, I have two alarm clocks. I like to make sure I get up on time.)

2) In this song, Michael McDonald admits he knows his girl has lied to him. Do you suspect any one of your friends/family has fibbed to you recently? Nope.

3) McDonald's big break came in 1973 when he joined Steely Dan's touring band. What do you consider your first professional success? In 1981, I was plucked from the Sears Corporate secretarial pool and promoted to catalog copywriter. And my world changed.

4) In 1975 he joined The Doobie Brothers. He was originally supposed to be a temporary replacement for Tom Johnston, but he ended up working with the band uninterrupted for seven years. Tell us about something that's happened to you that turned out better than you anticipated. I went to a wedding Saturday night. I hadn't been looking forward to it, but I had a nice time, after all.

5) In 1986 he guest starred on an episode of The Young and The Restless. Have you ever been hooked on a daytime drama? I was enthralled by the high school romances of Tara Martin and Phil Brent and Chuck Tyler and, of course, Erica Kane.

6) Michael and wife Amy raised their family near Nashville, where they had their own pond and a garden they lovingly tended. Do you enjoy yard work? I have no yard.

7) In 1979, when "Minute by Minute" was popular, movie star John Wayne died. In 2004, the US Postal Service honored him with a stamp. What was in the last envelope you stamped and dropped in a mailbox? The premium for my life insurance policy. It must be paid by check; there's no online payment option.

8) In 1979, the most popular new car was the Oldsmobile Cutlass. Ads promised drivers the Cutlass could make it easy to get in and out of tight parking spots. Are you good at parallel parking? No. I suck.

9) Random question: Did you know your great-grandparents? I knew my maternal great grandmother. She was called "Bunna" because when my mom was a baby she couldn't pronounce "Grandma." We visited Bunna in the old people's home once/year. I remember she used a cane and always wore floral dresses and gym shoes. I think our visits were limited because my dad didn't like Bunna, or maybe the home freaked him out. There was a weird vibe there but nobody talked about it. Anyway, my mom talked to Bunna on the phone regularly and was very sad when she died. I was 9 or 10.



  1. My grandson gave me the name Mema before he was one and I really like it. Then he called my husband Ampa. I don't think I started watching All My Children on a regular basis until 1984. Then I was hooked. My husband pays his bills by check and I pay mine online. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. That is weird that you can't pay something online. My life insurance payment is an automatic draft and has been since we bought the insurance before we married.

  3. It’s nice that you have a memory of Bunna

  4. Two alarm clocks, huh? Boy, would you and my husband get along. He is always so worried the alarm won't go off and he'll be late for work that over the years he's developed a habit of waking up many times through the night to check the time...and then wonders why he's so tired.

  5. I pay all of my bills online or through apps, except rent. And #9 has got me thinking that I might have a photo on my phone of my family with my great-grandfather. I'll have to look.


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