Friday, March 08, 2024

Nice Things about Myself -- Day 8

My blogging buddy, Kwizgiver, wrote a post that really resonated with me. She detailed how self-care helped her helped her prevail during a (ridiculously) tough month. Her tips were very wise and so doable! So she has inspired me to take one and integrate it into my own life.

Since I can be a pretty harsh self-critic, this is the one I chose. I hope I can do this every day during March. By then it should be a habit, right?

Three nice things about myself -- March 8:

1) I gave a "thumbs up." Cognitively impaired, my friend Kathy doesn't understand that when she responded to my Facebook posts she was hitting Messenger, not comment. If I responded to her via Messenger, she would scold me, insisting that she doesn't use Messenger, she's told me she doesn't use Messenger, and why don't I get that? If I don't answer her, she sent pitiful messages, asking why either I'm ignoring her or Facebook is trying to keep people from her. It was exasperating and depressing. So in December I restricted her access to my Facebook page. Kathy has literally hundreds of other Facebook friends. Let her hassle them for awhile. Anyway, today she sent me a confusing Messenger message about how Messenger confuses her. What the ever loving fuck? Here we go again! If I respond, I'll get scolded. If I ignore it, she'll get whiny and paranoid. Then I thought, "So?" She is failing, her life is getting smaller, she is lonely. While I have no intention of continuing any kind of real relationship with her, giving her a "thumbs up" costs me nothing, took me a second, and may have given her a momentary feeling of connection. I liked myself for that.

2) I was patient today. I used a coupon toward my carry out pizza. The cashier stared at it a moment before calling the manager for help. She just could not figure out how to ring me up. I felt her embarrassment, so I acted as though I didn't notice. Since starting my job at the card shop, I feel kinship with my brothers and sisters behind the registers.

3) I gave John space. My friend John is battling ... something. He's not feeling well physically and he doesn't like his life very much. I'd do anything to help him. I know he knows that. So I sent him a card, saying I'm glad he's in my life, and I'm leaving it at that. At least for a few weeks. I'm respecting that he has a right to handle it in his own way.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear John is struggling. I know his friendship is dear to you.


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