Friday, March 08, 2024

Saturday 9

 Saturday 9: Hold Me Now (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song begins with a young man gazing at a picture of himself and his girlfriend in happier times. Are there any photographs in the room you're in right now? There's a lovely framed photo of Chicago's Water Tower on the wall. It was a gift from my favorite uncle.

2) His girl tells him he's a dreamer. Do you consider yourself more a dreamer or realist? I'm like JFK. He referred to himself as "an idealist without illusions." I am by nature a dreamer, but I can be very pragmatic when the situation demands it.

3) "Hold Me Now" was a big hit for the British pop band, The Thompson Twins. They got their start in the late 1970s in the English city of Sheffield, so named because the River Sheaf runs through it. Do you know how your town got its name? Chicago is a native American name, derived from the Algonquin word for "onion." Back in the day, our lakeshore and riverbanks were home to wild onions.

4) Today lead singer Tom Bailey performs solo and is an outspoken advocate for veganism. Vegans abstain from consuming animal products, particularly in their diets. Are you a vegan, or have you ever tried to stick to a vegan diet? Nope. I love meat and dairy too much.

5) Tom's former bandmate Joe Leeway has left show business altogether and concentrates on a career in hypnotherapy. This therapy is commonly used to treat insomnia, smoking cessation and obesity. Is hypnotherapy something you have tried, or would consider? No. I admit I'm uncomfortable with the concept, though I don't know for sure why.

6) In 1983, when this song was popular, Motorola introduced the first cell phone. Today cell phones are an essential part of our every day lives. Do you still have a landline? Yes. I'm going to keep it until forced to give it up. The call quality is far, far superior to my cellphone's.

7) Also in 1983, American West airlines took off, flying between Las Vegas and Phoenix. Where did you travel to on your most recent flight? My last flight from 2023 is the same itinerary as my next roundtrip flight: ORD-LAX and back.

8) In 1983, Princess Diana was the world's top cover girl. Are there any magazines in the room you're in? If yes, who or what is on the cover? Just in time for the Oscars, Vanity Fair published their annual Hollywood issue with Bradley Cooper, Natalie Portman, Pedro Pascal and Colman Domingo on the cover. They all look gorgeous. Of course they do. Vanity Fair is in the gorgeous cover business.

9) Random question: Is anyone on your bad side this morning? Yes. My oldest friend is in a weird place right now. Very superficial and fake, she speaks to me as if we just so happened to meet on a bus, not like someone she has known since Kindergarten. So annoying! I keep reminding myself that she likely can't help it. She's bipolar and her moods get away from her. Patience is in order.


  1. #5 When I went once to lose weight, she gives you a tap of the session nad in the background you can hear me snoring away.
    #6 Yeah! Another one who won’t give up their landline, I’m not alone in keeping mine.
    #9 I knew someone who was bipolar, we slowly drifted apart. It was like riding a loin.

  2. I did not know that about the name of Chicago. Very interesting and thank you for sharing that. I love to learn new things.
    We got rid of our landline years ago because it was getting so expensive. I do miss it. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  3. I occasionally pick up a People magazine but haven't since Matthew Perry's death. I love flipping through magazines.

  4. I keep my landline for the same reason - it's just clearer and easier to talk on than the cell. It's also more reliable.

  5. Vanity Fair does have a nice cover. I am sorry about you and your friend. My mom had Alzheimer's and it was really hard.

  6. The Vanity Fair issue sounds interesting


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