Wednesday, December 13, 2023

It's about more than the movies

As the news about Henry gets worse, I admit I have been unraveling. Over the last couple days I have received support from: 

•  Joanna, who chatted with me right up until our movie group Zoom call Monday night, and then joined the call because she wanted to see for herself that I'm OK

•  Elaine, who sent me a text from her cruise (my first-ever ship-to-shore text!)

I met both Joanna and Elaine through our movie Meet Up. I am so grateful for their friendship. I had no idea on that day in May 2013 that I would expand my life in so many wonderful ways.


  1. I love making friends in unexpected places.

  2. Good friends are a treasure! I'm glad you have a lot of support.
    By the way, check out my last post. A new kitty has joined my family.

  3. I am so sorry about Henry. I know this is affecting you very strongly and at the holidays everything seems to be so much more poignant and difficult. Take care of yourself.

  4. So glad you have good supportive friends. So important.


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