Sunday, August 06, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 6

Today's Happiness: Roadway with Underpass (The Viaduct). That old saying, "I don't know art but I know what I like" applies to me. As my friend Elaine and I took in the 75 paintings and drawings in the special Van Gogh exhibit, this is the one that really grabbed me.

I don't know why exactly. Yes, I like the autumnal colors. But perhaps I appreciated how he found beauty in a scene that most people who saw it back in the 1880s wouldn't have stopped to look at, or if they did, might have found an industrial eyesore. I also wonder about that traveler. Where is he going? Is it safe?

So yeah, I got a little culture today. And it didn't hurt at all!


  1. Van Gogh is a favorite of mine. Lucky you got to see it!

  2. I like that painting, too. I have a fake Van Gogh on my wall. I forget its name. Something about Paris. Looks a lot like Starry Night in the sky.


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