Friday, August 18, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 18

Today's Happiness: Carole Lombard Day on TCM Summer Under the Stars.

I adore her. She's beautiful and funny and warm and just an all-around great dame. I've seen two of her movies already today and I may just stay up all night watching more. (The next one, My Man Godfrey, is one of my all-time favorites.)

It's hard to imagine someone as eternally alive as Lombard would be gone at the age of 33. It was January 1942, right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. She kicked off the nation's first bond drive in Indianapolis, raising $2 million to help the war effort. ($2 million in 1942 would be approx. $35 million today) Then she boarded a plane to go back home to Hollywood, and her husband, Clark Gable. The plane went down near Las Vegas, no survivors.

"She died for her country," said the press release from the Treasury Department. FDR chimed in, "She gave unselfishly of her time and talent to serve her government."

Enjoy 60 seconds of Lombard glamor and charm.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen My Man Godfrey. I'm going to look for it.


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