Sunday, August 01, 2021

That felt good

I was downtown, along The River, on both Friday and Saturday. I had to drop this Mac off, and then retrieve it, from the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue. 

It felt like an event, which is weird because pre-pandemic, this is the neighborhood where I worked so I was here all the time.

And I've missed it. There are things about work from home I enjoy: sleeping until 8:00 AM, waiting until after I check my emails to shower (usually 9:30), never wearing grownup clothes or shoes, washing dishes or vacuuming between meetings, and, of course, cuddling the cats all day long.

But then there's The River! I've always preferred the green river water to the blue of Lake Michigan. I like how The River wends its way through the city, insinuating itself into our lives.

As I walked along The River to the Apple Store, I saw certain benches and my cheeks got hot, because I remember those long-ago nights when I shared a kiss or two with the guy I was dating. The River has made a special appearance in the recurring nightmare I have when I'm stressed: I'm trying to rescue a shaggy white dog, or sometimes my girlhood cat Tommy, from drowning so I dive in and hang onto the pillar under the bridge with one hand while holding on to the critter with the other, praying to be rescued from the water myself.

This is a part of my life I hope to get back soon. Of course, with Lollapalooza, I was scared of the Delta Variant. We'll see how I feel two weeks from today. Fingers crossed that the vaccine protects me!

1 comment:

  1. I truly hope the vaccine protects us from the Delta variant. After being so careful, following safety precautions, isolating, and so forth, to just be venturing back out would crush me to get it now.


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