Sunday, February 14, 2010

Domesticity makes me sick

No, wait, that's backwards. Sickness makes me domestic. I started feeling better at about noon. Ran some errands and being out in the sunshine lifted my spirits and made me feel dispirited by my messy home. So I did four loads of laundry, scrubbed the kitchen floor (hence the ammonia -- I'm stuffed up so the smell didn't bother me a bit) and cleaned the inside of the microwave. I noticed today that, while my fabulous hardboiled eggs didn't explode in the oven, something tomato-ey had.

If this mood continues, I'll clean the bathroom tomorrow.

But I'm spending the rest of the evening with Nick and Nora Charles. I want to be like them when/if I grow up. (Though I'm sure Nora Charles' white-gloved hands never touched a bottle of Parsons.)


  1. Glad you're feeling better!

  2. hey at least your feeling poorly gave you a clean floor and microwave lol..sorry you are all stuffed up, I am too :( it sucks...

  3. Well, at least you were domestically productive. Should I expect you at my house tomorrow? There's all kinds of stuff inside my microwave. (and yes, I'll be cleaning on my day off. And I'm actually happy about it so that should tell you something about my state of mind!)

    (Nick and Nora rock, don't they?)

    (hee hee the security word you have to type in to post is "suckas" hahah that made me laugh out loud. 50 is the new 12 I hear.)

  4. I love those Nick and Nora movies(and Asta, too). Great banter, clothes and lots of alcohol consumption!


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