Thursday, September 03, 2009

This is so sad

My word well has run dry. No matter how hard I pump, no words come forth! I have to write tons of copy about the 2010 IRA tax laws, and make it (if not fun, at least ...) interesting and accessible. And I am hopelessly STUCK!

I shall now check the Illinois State Lottery ticket in my wallet. If I am not suddenly a freshly-minted millionaire, then I'm afraid I can't quit this job and must finish this project. So then I'll get some lunch. Maybe having some grub will inspire me.


  1. That sucks. Working in finance I get to read up on IRS rulings here and there. Bo-ring! You know what I do enjoy though? Reading through the annual 1040 booklet while doing my taxes to see all of the things that you CANNOT claim as a deduction. It makes me laugh every time - because you just know that the stupid things are in there because someone tried to claim their pet as a dependent once.

  2. Those blocks just stink. Hope you come through it quickly.

  3. Hope you found your mojo again. :) I've always found that when I get stuck while writing, taking some time to focus on a menial task (straightening my desk, doing some taskwork, etc.) was often distracting enough that my mind is fresh when I go back to the writing at hand.

  4. So, did getting lunch work? I am assuming you didn't win the lottery because I don't see a celebratory post. :-(


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