Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naturally I had a big presentation today

This morning, as I was getting ready for today's big client presentation, I lost a tooth. It just popped off. Fortunately it was a porcelain crown, so there's no pain. It was embarrassment I was worried about. I didn't want to look like Hillbilly Gal as I stood at the head of the conference table, presenting new ways to excite consumers about investing in mutual funds while I had a conspicuous hole in my smile.

Since the tooth is lower left, towards the back, it doesn't show when I talk. The crown is now safely in a little blue case along with my teeth whitening tray. Hopefully my dentist will be able to just affix it back in place.

In the meantime, I suppose I should be glad that the presentation went off without a hitch, and grateful that life throws these little curves at me so I'm never bored.


  1. Hey! I had a dream last night that my canine tooth - the sharp pointy ones on the top - just fell completely out while I was at a social event with a ton of people. I was so afraid that I would look like some hillbilly, but I was more distracted by the fact that there was no bleeding. Weird huh? Then I come and read your post. I sure hope my dream didn't manifest itself in your world ;0) If so I'll try to send the dreams of knights in shining armor (or world championships) your way.

  2. Hope the dentist can fix it fast!


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