Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Tunes #15

Wednesday would have been George Harrison's 66th birthday, for our Tuesday Tunes, we're going to have a George theme.

What are 5 things that you like about George Harrison?

1. He was the funniest Beatle onscreen. By far. Remember the scene in A Hard Day's Night when he refers to the spokesmodel as "the posh bird who gets everything wrong? She's a drag. A well known drag. We turn the sound down on her and say rude things." Or when teaching Norm to shave, George instructed him to, "Put yer tongue away, it looks disgustin' hangin' out, all pink and naked." If these words don't look funny on the page, wait for them next time you watch the movie. George's timing was impeccable.

2. He didn't like Madonna, either. I have always believed all the best people dislike Madonna. His Handmade Films made Shanghai Surprise, possibly the worst movie Sean Penn will ever make, starring ol' Madge. I know this will shock you, but George regarded her as a difficult personality and a bad actress.

3. "Savoy Truffle." An ode to candy and a cautionary tale about toothaches.

4. He loved to play the ukulele.

5. The Concert for Bangla Desh. He originated the supergroup fundraiser.

Happy Birthday to George Harrison, The Scouse of Distinction.

To play along yourself, click here.


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I still remember hearing about his death. I was sitting outside of my math class freshman year of college and my friend Aaron comes over to say hi. He looked a bit bummed and he told me Harrison had died.

    I was only friends with Aaron for the one semester, but I don't think I'll forget him.

  2. We have overlap! I guess real fans loved so much about George!

  3. It's funny because although I didn't participate in Tuesday Tunes this week, the first thing I thought of was that George Harrison worked with Madonna and Sean and lived to tell about it.

    Good call on his big scene in "A Hard Day's Night". I remember when they showed it on TV several years ago, they were providing bits of trivia during commercial breaks. It was mentioned that George said that he noticed that there wasn't much written for him. That's when they decided to create that scene where he talks about the spokesmodel.

    As a heads up, there is a new T13 site. According to the "About Us" page on the new site, the owners are not affiliated with the original Thursday Thirteen web site. They just recognized a need for a new place for Thursday13ers to gather and share their weekly Thursday 13s, so they started Thursday-13.com. Their goal is to make the new site a temporary home for the Thursday 13 until the original Thursday Thirteen comes back. They mentioned that they heard the original site was shut down due to a family illness. At any rate, here is the new link:



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