Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I did not enjoy today

I took Amtrak down to visit the client this morning. It's a trip I usually enjoy. Today I most emphatically did not. We got stuck in fog and were a full 90 minutes late. I missed the first half hour of my meeting. Fortunately the client was very gracious. If anyone back at the office says shit to me about it, I'll scream. FOG CANNOT POSSIBLY BE MY FAULT.

Then on the way home, a drunk guy on the train just wouldn't leave me alone. I'd prefer not to relive his drunken banter, instead moving onto my psycho cab driver. He:
1) had to stop for gas! He said he would halt the meter. Damn straight, Skippy!
2) asked me "what's wrong with having children" and wondered why I didn't have any.
3) tried to charge me meter-and-a-half, which isn't legal.

I'm so glad to be home, surrounded by the felines who love me!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Ok. Amtrak is batting .500. Trip in November: Good. Your trip today and my recent trip to Ohio: BAD.

    What do we do now???


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