Thursday, July 26, 2007

What if this year I'm right?

There are things we Cub fans always say …

April and May: "It's still early. Things are always rocky at the start of a long season."
On May 30, we were in third place. 22 W/29 L. .431.

June: "We're starting to gel, learning to play together as a team."
On June 30, we were in second place. 39 W/40 L. .494.

July: "We're ready to take off. You just watch!"
As of today (before the final game of the Cardinal series), so far over .500 (.535) we could get altitude sickness. Even better, we're just 1.5 game behind Milwaukee! We won 7 of our last 10, while the Brewers have lost 6.

I've been following the same script my every season for my entire damn life. But what if "next year" is this year? The Red Sox reversed their curse, could it be our turn?


  1. you do realize until some sad sack of a pitcher in washington broke our saviors hand, you and i were looking down the barrell of a battle for the wildcard come september. you are soooo lucky

  2. Tonight notwithstanding, I don't see why I shouldn't dare to dream that we will overtake Milwaukee. (After all, we're leaving the Cardinals to the Brewers with their confidence high!) Which, naturally, means that the wildcard position is open for the Padres -- and you-know-who. And then I'll simply die of completion.


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