Thursday, July 26, 2007

Friday's Feast #8

Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.

My plush Lassie dog. Her body was red, her tail was white, and her snout was plastic. With time her neck got all floppy. My mom repaired her by doing a little surgery and adding a pair of nylons to Lassie's stuffing. I love Lassie and have never been able to part with her. Right now she's in the closet, on a shelf, beside my Christmas decorations.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?
Five. This is not really one of my strengths.

Where would you rather be at this very moment?

From where I sit, I can see the snowglobe given to me by my best friend. It depicts the area of Hollywood where I stayed when I was visiting him last September. I wish we were together back in LA, having fun.

Main Course
When was the last time you learned something new?
Yesterday I learned something new about Gilligan's Island: the Professor's full name was Roy Hinckley, and Lovey was Eunice Wentworth Howell.* (Hey! Knowledge is knowledge!)

Fill in the blank: I have ____________ but I haven’t ____________.
I have the desire to sing, but I haven't got a nice voice.

For more information, or to participate yourself, visit

*Thanks to Malcolm's TT


  1. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I can totally relate to your dessert! Lol

    Happy feasting! :) Come join mine.

  2. If you want to sing go to a place where nobody can hear you, put earplugs in your ears and then sing loud !

  3. I haven't seen Gilligan's Island in forever! I looovvee the professor, he's dreamy. ;)

    As for singing, that's what showers and vehicles are for! :D

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I would love to visit LA!!

  5. I'd love to spend time in LA - or any part of California for that matter! Great feast - Happy Friday!

  6. Thank you for your sweet comments about the car tag! My kids love it too - when my daughter saw the picture on the computer, she yelled out "there it is!". Now, if he would only get around to actually putting it on my car - haha!

  7. thats the professor's name..and Lovey's. Never knew that.I knew the Skipper's name was like Jonas Crumbly,or something similar.Great feast,thanks for the Gilligan education! =D


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