Tuesday, July 10, 2007

She's come undun

My best friend warned me that July and August would be bad for us, with little time to talk. I rather perkily said, "no problem!" because I know he can't help it. His agency made it clear that they expected weekend and evening work all summer. Independently I happened to run into a coworker of my friend's. This tres disgruntled gentleman reported that EVERYONE has to work weekends, and this guy even had to move when he could pick up his son from college. So yeah, my best friend works in an exclusive, affluent sweatshop. Same as the rest of us in advertising.

It's been 8 days since we've spoken or corresponded at length and I hate it.

I didn't calculate how bad it would be. How isolated and lonely it would feel. I thought knowing about in advance would mitigate all that. It hasn't.

I keep sending him chatty emails to cheer him up and keep the lines of communication open. I know this will end soon and I hope when it does, he'll still be him and we'll still be us.

In the meantime, I must work at keeping my ends from fraying.


  1. Oh YUCK. Hope it's over soon.

  2. Oh, Pam, it does suck! Truly. He's the only one who GETS me, you know? I'm fortunate to have lots of friends. But only one BFF, you know?

  3. hell send me an email, i can be enternatining :)


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