Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Missing you

Ah, D. Lee, I just can't stay away from you!

Yes, I was going to intentionally avoid the All-Star Game because of some ass whose name shall not even be mentioned in a post accompanied by your photo. But the All-Star break means NO CUBS BASEBALL until Friday! Is that cruel or what?

My will is weak, and I found myself missing you sooooo much that I flipped over to Fox for the ninth inning, just in time for your last at bat. It was terrific to see you swing (and swing and swing, because you ended up fouling a few times before you walked) again. Now enjoy your time off and be rested and ready for Friday.


  1. sheesh, I forgot he was even on the cubs

  2. During the first half he hit a grandslam in the Cross Town Classic! Tra-la! Tra-la! It's always wonderful when my guys are doing well. It's every better when my guys do well against The Forces of Darkness.

  3. *scratches head* I still thought he was an Astro


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