Friday, July 20, 2007

Alison tagged me!

Alison, a Kindergarten teacher from SC whose blog I just discovered through Friday Feast, has tagged me. I'm going to cut and paste the rules just as they appear on her post. (And I encourage you to check out her blog. Scroll down a little and you'll find a funny/cute photo of her mother -- the kind my mom would KILL ME for posting!)

The Rules: “Each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to other people and then visits those peoples’ sites and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do.”

1. I've never read one of the most influential books of my life, Charlotte's Web. My mom read it to my older sister and I, a chapter a night, one night in my sister's bed and the next night in mine. To this day I cannot kill a spider, strictly adhering to "catch and release," and found myself emotionally opposed to the use of rat poison in my condo building's courtyard. It was just one rat, and what if he was like Templeton? (I lost that battle.) Most of all, I aspire to being, as Wilbur said of Charlotte, "a good writer and a true friend."

2. My niece, enjoying a magic summer between grade school and high school, is, as we speak, wandering around wearing a cape and necktie and carrying a wand. She and her posse are enjoying all the village-sponsored Hogwart's activities until dark, when one of her friend's moms will pick the girls up and take them to Border's for THE BOOK. She didn't expect to see me, waved wildly and hugged me. I suspect that this is a special time -- for once she gets to high school she won't be so into a book launch, nor so willing to hug her old aunt in public. I'm so glad I got to see her today. As the Grinch would say, it made my heart grow three sizes.

3. I have three cats -- Charlotte, Reynaldo and Joey. All shelter babies, each with a most individual personality. Joey is the most aptly named. Friends was required viewing back when I got him and so he's named for Matt LeBlanc's character. A dumber, sweeter and more enduringly charming cat than my old Joe has never lived.

4. I am a news junkie. I can tell you MSNBC's an CNN's evening lineup with great accuracy. I get online news updates throughout the day. I don't know why I do this, since I seldom find the news very happy these days. But I worry that something may happen that I don't know about!

5. I consider myself spiritual, belong to a church, and go sporadically. But we have a new minister (OK, it's been 4 years now, so I guess he's no longer new), and I still haven't taken to him. I don't know if it's because he's so relentlessly cheerful that I doubt there's much intellect going on behind his eyes, or because he's so young it makes me uncomfortable looking to him for guidance. I miss my former minister so much. He wasn't a very charismatic speaker, but he was so smart and wise. Plus his name was (no shit) Reverend Deacon, which cracked me up.

6. Politically I'm liberal, but I prefer the word "inclusive." I am fortunate to have friends of different faiths, ethnicities and sexual orientations in my life and since I know what terrific, loving human beings they are, I'd love to see them better represented.

7. I love books. One of the most beautiful books I've ever read is "In Cold Blood." Yeah, I know. You don't usually see the word "beautiful" and the story of a mass murder in the same sentence. But Truman Capote took that true-life event and made it about destiny, doing it with gorgeous prose. Really. If you haven't read it, don't be afraid to.

8. This all makes me sound so high-brow and la-de-dah. Nothing could be further from the truth! Right now I'm reading yet another book about Princess Diana. I loved Jenny McB's TT about farts. I can be the trashiest gal you've ever met.

I'm tagging these people, but that doesn't mean they'll respond. I'm off to comment them to let them know:

Sparky the Duck

Book Mama



Jenny McB


  1. I'm so glad you responded. I, too, have found it a neat way to get to know people! Thanks for encouraging others to check out my blog - even the picture of my mom. She hasn't seen it yet, but I suppose once she does she will definitely be ready to KILL ME!

  2. Awww, thank you for tagging me!! I'm going to check out the other blogs you tagged too.


  3. okay, I'll get to work on this one..gotta check out the others first, and try to think of eight things worth tellin'.

  4. Thank you for the tag, now I have something to write about today...Me!

    Three cats? Do they all get along, or does one get left out? Now I have to go check Allison's Mom's picture.

  5. wish I had your email...yes, after my brother died, I went back to school because getting my masters was something that I always wanted to do. I got it in Education and was a really good high school sped teacher, but by the end of the day/week, I emotionally had nothing left for my family.

    Back to the lab, on the rare occasions that I have to draw blood, I treat that patient as if they were a member of my family. Especially for those in the hospital the longest, it's the caring things that people do for you that you remember.

    But that book I am reading is soooo good and what an eye opener it is.


Please note: If you have a WordPress blog, I can't return the favor and comment on your post unless you change your settings. WordPress hates me these days.