Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday's Feast #4

Name a funny habit you have.
It makes me crazy when the toilet paper is in the holder backwards. It should be rolled over the top with the new sheet in the front. If I'm in a friend's bathroom or in a restaurant ladies' room and it's wrong, I fix it.

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
The guitar.

How long is your hair?
It's short. Julie-Andrews-in-the-Sound-of-Music short.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
This past Tuesday. A former coworker I haven't heard from in a while emailed me out of the clear blue, asking for help with his resume. I was kinda busy at work so I set it aside for a free moment. In the interim, he shot me an "are-you-there/when-can-I-get-it?" email. At first I was pissed. I mean, this was all pretty presumptive on his part, wasn't it? Then I realized that, for him to act in such a thoughtless way, he must be under a lot of stress, so I forgave him.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
The microwave! I'm into immediate gratification, and this makes it almost possible.

Read more Friday Feasts, or add your own, at


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Excellent feast!

  2. Great feast!

    Work = stress (IMO)

    Happy Friday!

  3. Ah, the toilet paper rolls from the bottom, not over the top. If people put it on the roller backwards -- as in over the top -- I fix it.


  4. ... and i soooo relate to your appetizer. glad there are two of us doing the over thing! rock on!

  5. Anonymous2:30 AM

    I like my toilet paper over too, however in this house they never put it on the roll they just set it on the side of the bathtub. Which can be very irritating, especially if the cats decide to play with it.

    I enjoyed your feast very much and my wishes for a great weekend.


  6. I'm sooo with you on the TP controversy..."over" is the "correct" way!

    I would luv a short-short haircut; bet it's oh-so-easy to care for! (the Mr. and I have a 'compromise'; he won't "shave" and I won't "chop".)*shrugs*

  7. Excellent feast - I like your passion with the appetiser. I'm the same and it drives me crazy at my mom's house. Then she does hers the wrong way so she fixes it and so the mad cycle of insanity goes on :)

  8. Great feast..

    and I'm like that with the toilet roll also...

    Happy Friday.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    From appetizer to salad to dessert, this was one hell of a feast ;)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Anonymous8:30 AM

    short hair is easier to manage for me :) Great Feast!

  11. That was good of you to forgive your co-worker who really needed your forgiveness that day.

  12. Toilet paper should be over the top :) Julie Andrews was a cool way to describe your hair.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  13. Man, my son couldnt live without your dessert...and I think most of america feels the same way too! Happy FF.

  14. Ha, I like the toilet paper just the opposite way, so I would be changing it in the other direction!!
    Happy weekend.


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