Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Don't this just beat all?

Bernard McGuirk, the producer of Imus' erstwhile radio show, has lost his job. My first response was, "Good!" He'd always been more toxic than Imus and, worse by my lights, no where near as funny. Imagine my surprise then when I learned that he and Imus had been victimized in this whole ugly, media-sodden episode. And not only that, they had been victimized in a truly historic way that should stand as a sober warning to us all.

He appeared on Fox last week and here's a transcript of what he said: "I mean, it's like the off-quoted anti-Nazi German pastor who said, you know, first, they came for the Communists, but I wasn't a Communist, so I didn't say anything. Then they came for the Jews, but I'm not a Jew, I didn't say anything. Then they came for the Catholics, but I'm a Protestant. Then when they came from me, there was nobody to speak."

No, really. I'm not making this up. Imus' producer likens himself to those who suffered in the camps during WWII.

I work in advertising, an industry almost as volatile as broadcasting. McGuirk had a cushy gig for a long time and he lost it. When you work in advertising or broadcasting, THIS HAPPENS!!! We all know we're not going to earn a gold watch for service to one company. McGuirk was going to lose this job eventually. It might have been over ratings. It might have been over a contract dispute. It might have been because some new conglomerate bought CBS radio and wanted to cut costs. I promise you, it was going to happen eventually. And when it happens, you should blow a kiss to the heavens and say, "Thanks for the ride." You should be grateful that you have six months' expenses in the bank and start looking for another job. You should not liken yourself to a prisoner in a concentration camp.

Shame on you, McGuirk.


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