Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #378

13 things I do with my new love.
I just bought a new bottle of white vinegar. It used to be that  16 ounces lasted forever, but I find I'm using it more than before. It's inexpensive, effective, and I don't worry about me or my cats breathing noxious fumes.

So here are 13 uses I found while tooling around the web.

1. Kill food odors in the microwave. This is my fave. I mix white vinegar with water in a shallow dish and heat it for a minute. Then I leave the bowl in the microwave for another 5-10 minutes, but with the door open. You'd never know that last night I reheated lasagna. 

2. Add life to your kitchen sponge. OK, I used to think this one was lame because sponges are readily available and easy to replace. But then one evening I was in full-on cleaning mode and found myself with only one sponge left (and not in the mood to run to the store for new ones). Fill a bowl with white vinegar and submerge your sponge. Then let it soak in clear water. Voila!

3. Freshen the washing machine. The grocery shelves now feature expensive products designed to remove smells and residue from your washer. Instead, try running it with no clothes but a cup of white vinegar.

4. Clean the dishwasher. Ditto.

5. Improve your showerhead flow. The mineral deposits that hamper dishwasher efficiency can also mess with your showerhead.

6. Refresh your kitchen drain. Remove smells by first pouring vinegar down the drain and following with hot water.

7. Remove adhesive. Get rid of that sticky stuff that remains behind after you peel off a sticker or label.

8. Wash your floors. I have tile in my bathroom and entryway and vinyl in my kitchen and it works great. (But don't use it on hardwood.)

9. Spray the inside of your shower curtain or door. Vinegar can slow the growth of mold and mildew.

10. Scrub your cups. It can remove those stubborn coffee and tea stains.

11. Wipe down your cutting board. White vinegar can help prevent food contamination if you use the same board for meat/poultry and fruits/vegetables.

12. Clean kids' bath toys. As a childless cat lady, I can't personally attest to this. But I'm told that those squeaky bath buddies are a breeding ground for germs and mold, inside and out. So soak them in warm water mixed with vinegar, then rinse them in clear water and let them air dry.

13. Get rid of ants. Vinegar repels them and it's safe to use around food and pets.

Have you got a vinegar hack that I missed?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. I mix white vinegar and Dawn dish soap in equal parts and it's the best tub cleaner!

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Jamie (
    I've been unable to find white vinegar at Safeway lately! No idea why, but could it be others have learned the uses of vinegar you mentioned?

  3. White vinegar works great on burns. Soak your hand or burned part in white vinegar and it won't blister (or at least not as bad). Works really well. I use white vinegar for a lot of the same uses, particularly the washing machine and dishwasher. I also use it as cleaner on the tile floors in the kitchen and bathrooms instead of something like Mr. Clean or whatever.


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