Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #376

Thirteen Popular Ice Cream Flavors. There's a teeny-tiny ice cream shop on the other side of town that's very popular. It's independently owned, employs high school students and is only open for six months each year. Plus the ice cream is delicious.

This year they have been promoting their new flavor: raspberry. I admit that, despite the shop's reputation for quality, I have no interest in trying it. I just don't like how it looks. Anyway, I wondered what flavors most Americans like, and this is what the International Dairy Foods Association has to say on the subject.

Here's the countdown:

13. Coffee

12. Chocolate peanut butter

11. Rocky Road

10. Neopolitan

9. Caramel

8. Mint chocolate chip (my favorite)

7. Cookie dough

6. Butter pecan

5. Chocolate chip

4. Strawberry

3. Cookies and cream

2. Chocolate

1. Vanilla!

Which one is your favorite?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.




  1. I'm chocolate all the way. I did hear that vanilla was the most popular, that really, that doesn't surprise me.

  2. My husband's favorite flavor is black raspberry. It's hard to find sometimes.


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