Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You) 1969

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Liza Minnelli acknowledges that she may be "taking a terrible chance." Have you done anything risky lately? Nothing comes to mind.

2) In 1969, when Liza recorded this song, she was 23 and her career was really beginning to take off. She was a sought-after guest on TV talk and variety shows and received her first Oscar nomination. Give us a quick overview of your life at 23. My life changed so much that year, it depends on which month. In November, when I turned 23, I was a rather sullen secretary at Sears, Roebuck and Co. at Sears Tower. I loved working in the city and in that iconic building, but I was always broke and had little respect for the man I worked for. In June, I was promoted to catalog copywriter and my world changed. It was like that moment in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens the door and the world changes from black and white to color. By the following November, when I turned 24, I had a career instead of a job, I was making money and wearing new clothes, and I'd fallen in love.

3) Also in 1969, the first Gap store was opened in San Francisco. What have you recently added to your wardrobe? If yes, where did you buy it? I bought a pair of Nikes at DSW.

4) Liza says she always has apple juice in her refrigerator. What's something you're certain to have in your frig? Coke.

5) Liza's favorite card game is poker. What's yours? Canasta.

6) Though Liza recorded the song in 1969, "Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)" was written way back in 1931. It has been recorded more than 50 times by artists as diverse as Bing Crosby, Andy Gibb and Bob Dylan. Before today, had you heard it? I prefer Sinatra's version to Liza's. It's more intimate and less performative. Francis always sounds like he's talking to me, whereas Liza sounds like she's aiming at the last row of the balcony.

7) "Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)" is credited to Bert Kalmer and his partner, Harry Ruby. Another one of their hits was "Who's Sorry Now?" Do you owe anyone an apology? I don't think so. Though I owe my cousin a letter and my friend Elaine an email. Maybe I should apologize for being neglectful?

8) Together they also wrote "Hooray for Captain Spaulding," sung onscreen by Groucho Marx in the movie Animal Crackers. There were five Marx Brothers in all. How many can you name? Gummo, Zeppo, Groucho, Chico and Harpo.

9) Random question: Do you believe talking to plants helps them grow? Nope. But I'll be honest: I have no strong feelings either way.


  1. I didn't think I knew that song, but after listening to Frank sing it, I think my dad would play that. I would like to hear more of what happened when you turned 24.

  2. I don't think you are being neglectful. I have letters and emails to respond to as well. Sometimes you just have to get around to it, or there's not much new to say.

  3. I believe in talking to plants...I would though. Hahahaha, I am very silly.
    I like DSW. I really need to go and pick up some shoes. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  4. I went and changed my answer and added Groucho.

  5. I don't think I've ever played Canasta. I love the name of it, though.

  6. I love canasta. I have a knack for card games. Sadly there's no one that lives around me to play with me.

  7. 23 was certainly a pivotal year in your life

  8. I love the question about where we all were at 23. It's been fun reading about how different all our lives were back then.

  9. When I was 23, I was married, had a two year old and was pregnant for her sister. I was working at a health insurance and benefits company writing health insurance manuals. Writing advertising copy sounds more fun and interesting. We have Diet Coke in our fridge always. It is hubby's one vice. I hope you have a good week.


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