Saturday, June 01, 2024

I'm grateful

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Marcel Proust

Joanna came into The Loop to have lunch with me, even though she's quite broke these days. She said she's missed me, feels invigorated by our time together, and is "honored" that I felt close enough to her to reach out after John died. That was nice of her, as I'm always worried that when I ask for help I'm a bother.

Elaine insisted on driving me home from the movies last weekend. Even though it was way out of her way. She said that now that I'm retired, I shouldn't waste my money on rideshares. Part of me wanted to tell her it was really none of her business, but another part of me was really touched. I'm usually one who worries and fusses and sticks my nose where it doesn't belong. It's nice to be on the receiving end.

My former art director and her boyfriend took me out to dinner. Not only did they pay, but he brought me an unexpected gift. Recently retired, he had something hanging in his office that he had no room for at home and thought I'd like it. HELLO! YES, I WOULD! It was a print of broadcaster Pat Hughes' scorecard from the Cubs World Series Game 7 (the greatest baseball game ever played).

John is dead. Henry is lost to me. But life goes on, and I realize I'm fortunate to have such charming gardeners attending to me.


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