Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #361

The first 13 names for hurricanes and tropical storms. It promises to be an active storm season in the Atlantic, and here are names you can expect to see on the news.

1. Alberto

2. Beryl

3. Chris

4. Debby

5. Ernesto

6. Francine

7. Gordo

8. Helene

9. Isaac

10. Joyce

11. Kirk

12. Leslie

13. Milton

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.




  1. Why does this amuse me so? (Milton?)

  2. We had a bad storm Sunday and had a tornado in a nearby town. First one since 1974. It hit where my grandmother used to live. I'm going to guess that #6 and #10 will be bad ones.

  3. My brother's name is Chris. I'm not sure if I'm rooting for a Katrina-like storm for him or not.


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