Sunday, April 28, 2024

It could not have happened to a nicer guy. Literally.


Today Anthony Rizzo hit his 300th home run! I am of course happy it happened. But I'm even happier it happened in Milwaukee, where the fans boo him for his illustrious Cubdom. 

Even better than being one of just 160 players in the history of the game to hit this milestone, he uses his fame and position as a role model to help families battling pediatric cancer. During this last Yankee homestand, he did what he often does -- invited young cancer patients to visit him on the field before the game and asks them to sign one of HIS jerseys, emphasizing that any kid who fights cancer is a hero to him.

Anthony Rizzo is a hero to me. My friend John and I were at Wrigley Field when he hit his first home run as a Cub in June 2012. How I wish I could share today's news with him!


  1. Rizzo is certainly one of the good ones. I know you are missing your friend. It is so hard to lose those we care about.


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