Sunday, March 17, 2024

Three Nice Things about Myself -- Day 16

My blogging buddy, Kwizgiver, wrote a post that really resonated with me. She detailed how self-care helped her helped her prevail during a (ridiculously) tough month. Her tips were very wise and so doable! So she has inspired me to take one and integrate it into my own life.

Since I can be a pretty harsh self-critic, this is the one I chose. I hope I can do this every day during March. By then it should be a habit, right?

Three nice things about myself -- March 16:

1) I'm the cool aunt. I had lunch with my nephew today. We talked about his career aspirations and the upcoming baseball season. I like myself for being someone he's so comfortable/willing to spend time with me.

2) I'm doing something. I've known the guy who does my hair since high school. Today, as he was clipping and dying and styling, he shared that he agrees with me that Trump is "a threat" and he can't believe "anyone would vote for the guy." This is a big deal from someone I know just could not bring himself to vote for Hillary in 2016. So, I asked, if you believe the man is a threat to democracy, "what are you going to do about it?" He had no reply. I like myself for having an answer to that. I've signed up to be a monthly donor to Biden's campaign and laid in a supply a postcard stamps for outreach and GOTV. As more opportunities arise, I'll do those.

3) I had the peaches. There's an apple crumble in the refrigerator. I wanted to heat it for my late-night snack, but I went the less fattening/more nutritious route. I liked myself for making the choice that was better for me.


1 comment:

  1. I'm always excited to hear stories about your nephew and niece. I feel like I know them as they've grown up on your blog.


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