Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #346

The 13 most popular video games. Over the holidays I listened to my nephew (24) and nephew-in-law (31) talking about their gaming lives. I felt like a stranger in a strange land, where the denizens spoke an English dialect I didn't quite get. So I did a little research and discovered these are the most popular games in the US (3Q 2023).

I've heard of many of these games, but I've only ever played #4.

1. Super Mario Bros.

2. Sega. 
3. Mario Kart 8.

4. Candy Crush. 

5. Super Smash Bros.

6. Marvel's Spider Man.

7. Spider Man.

8. Mortal Kombat.

9. Call of Duty. 
10. Grand Theft Auto.
11. Grand Theft Auto V. 
12. Mario Kart 8.

13. Bejeweled.

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.




  1. I consider most of those to be "guy games," and I've only played #4 & #13. I consider myself a gamer but I don't play those kinds of games.

  2. I played Bejeweled years ago. I haven't played games in a very long time. I miss Farmville.

  3. Sega? I thought Sega was a gaming system. That tells you how old I am. (I still occasionally play Candy Crush.)

  4. #4 and #13 are the only two I’ve played obsessively. No more though.


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