Tuesday, December 19, 2023


WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click here

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? Santa's Little Yelpers by David Rosenfelt. I'm spending Christmas with one of my faves, lawyer/dog lover Andy Carpenter. This year, Andy thought he was going to devote himself to celebrating the holidays with loved ones and weaning and homing a litter of eight adorable golden retrievers. It's not going the way he planned, though. A buddy of his, Chris Myers, is accused of murder. Andy believes Chris is innocent so, inconvenient as the timing is, he's concentrating on a case as well as ho-ho-hoing.

I love Andy. I love that he's inherently lazy, has no physical courage, and can't stop cracking wise. Therefore I'm sure I'm going to love this volume of the series.


2. What did you recently finish reading?  Candy Slain Murder by Maddie Day. Ms. Day created a very specific, credible place in her fictional town of South Lick, IN. That's the best thing about this book. You can easily imagine yourself at a two-top table in Pans 'n Pancakes, eavesdropping on the town gossip as you enjoy your eggs.

The rest of the book was just "meh." First of all, the killer's identity, motive and murder weapon were obvious from the start. Second, I don't know why our heroine, the proprietor of Pans 'n Pancakes, involves herself in sleuthing. She's not bored (we go through her day with her and running that restaurant is hard work). She's not personally involved with the victim. She has no special crime fighting talents. So when the police ask her again and again to fall back, why doesn't she? And the cat on the cover looks like my guy, Roy Hobbs, but he isn't given much opportunity to show his personality.

I'm afraid I don't think I'll be back to this series.

3. What will you read next? More Christmas, if there's time.

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