Friday, November 10, 2023

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: P. S. I Love You (1953)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, a man fills his lover in on what's going on in his daily life, including that he was in bed by 9:00 PM. Do you have a regular bedtime? I guess it depends on how you define "bedtime." I'm usually into my pjs around 9:00. That's a throwback to my junior high years, when my mom used to tell me that "polite people don't call or call on polite people after 9:00 PM." But when I go to bed is another matter. So is when I finally go to sleep.

2) He reports that yesterday it rained, but all in all, he can't complain. Do you often find yourself discussing/complaining about the weather? No, and I find it tiresome. The two friends of mine who talk weather the most are the ones who left Chicago for sunnier climes. She to Los Angeles, he to Key West. She has had to deal with wildfires, mudslides and water rationing due to drought. He had to evacuate for hurricanes more times than I can count, and always had tales of expensive storm-damaged cars, roofs, windows and landscaping. They both had a tougher time relaunching their careers in LA and Key West, too, so it's not like they regaled me with tales of time at the beach anyway. They were always working. So I'll stay here, thank you. (BTW, I looked it up and it snowed on 18 days so far this year. That's 5% of the time. I'll take it.)

3) This song was recorded many times, by artists as diverse as Rudy Vallee (1934) and Bob Dylan (2017). It's endured because the theme -- reaching out and staying in touch across the miles -- is universal. Is there anyone in your life with whom you regularly correspond? If yes, do you prefer cards/letters, emails or texts? I suppose that's the order. For anything longer than, "I'll meet you at 7:30," or "I'm on my way," texts are pretty hideous. Besides, I enjoy seeing peoples' handwriting.

4) This 1953 version was a hit for The Hilltoppers. The band members met at Western Kentucky University and took their name from the nickname of their school's athletic teams. What was the name of your school's team? Grade school was the Panthers, high school was the Bulldogs.

5) The Hilltoppers always performed in W sweaters, for Western Kentucky. Do you own any sweaters, caps or jackets that celebrate your alma mater? Not for my own school, but I have t-shirts from when I visited my niece at the Culinary Institute of Michigan and my nephew at Western Illinois University. (Go, Leathernecks!)

6) By 1960, The Hilltoppers' records weren't selling anymore. But they continued to perform and in 1970 they became the house band at The Holiday Inn in Fort Walton Beach, FL. They were so popular with tourists that they played at that Holiday Inn for years. When did you last stay in a hotel, motel or airbnb? Last month, my friend Elaine and I stayed at a budget motel in Springfield, IL. She chose it, believing that the hotel we stayed at in 2022 just wasn't worth the money. Note to self: Don't let Elaine book the hotel. The elevator smelled like weed. When I turned on the fan for the shower, the bathroom smelled like weed, too. Worst of all, when I closed the bathroom door I found the previous guests' dirty towels on the hook. EW! ICK! On the other hand, it was safe and the bed was comfortable and it was $65 cheaper than my choice. So there's that. (I did spray every available surface with Lysol or alcohol.)

7) In 1953, the year this recording was popular, the Eisenhowers moved into The White House. First Lady Mamie Eisenhower was known for her down-to-earth style. For example, she often shared her recipe for Million Dollar Fudge, saying that since it's easy to make and foolproof, she recommended her fudge as the perfect hostess gift. When you're invited to someone's home, do you bring a hostess gift? Depends on the occasion. If it's a barbecue or a party, I'll offer to help my hosts by bringing a dish a or a bottle of liquor. If it's just-only me, well, I like to think that my sparkling personality is enough. Besides, my friends and I like to meet up at restaurants and bars, anyway. It's a good way to support local businesses, and no one has to clean up afterward.
8) Also in 1953, radio personality Arthur Godfrey made news for having one of the nation's very first hip replacements. Have you/would you ever be part of a clinical trial, either for a new drug or medical procedure? I don't think so. A former co-worker of mine is very proud of being in a trial for a breast cancer drug and takes great pleasure thinking of the other women she helped. I'm not sure I'd be that courageous.

 9) Random question -- Do you fold your socks or roll them? Roll.


  1. I am not sure why I just remembered when I read your answers, but I stayed in a hotel when I went to my teacher conference in the Spring. It was a beautiful stay.
    I usually meet up with my friends at a restaurant also. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  2. #1 I found playing YouTube either rain, blizzard, or surf videos helps me get asleep.
    #3 When I was in grad school with the thirty somethings, it was always texts. Once we were texting up a storm on where to be to study, twenty or thirty texts! I got feed up and made a conference call to all of them and we picked a place in about a minute, it was like they were all amazed that you could make a conference call.
    #6 One for work the job took longer than we expected and the three of us had to find a motel room on a Friday night with a high school regional hockey playoffs in town and all the motels were full. We finally found a room… “You want the whole night!” Well I guess we can do that.” I sleep on the floor that night, I didn’t want to sleep on the bed.
    #7 When I do bring food it is usually baked beans and/or Mac & Cheese. When you bake them in the over nobody can tell that you didn’t sweat over a hot stove.

  3. I'm not sure I would've stayed in that motel. I can't stand the smell of weed.

  4. #8. Tons of respect for your friend.

  5. My sleep schedule has been all over the place this week. I hate changing the clocks. And I whine about the weather all winter long.

  6. That is nice of your friend. My driver's license has the little pink sticker that says donor. But not sure what condition my organs will be in.

  7. My mother was one of the first to undergo a specialized surgery for pancreatic cancer. It gave her another year, but it was an awful year, and I wouldn't recommend that to anyone.

  8. Like you when I go to bed and when I fall asleep are usually two diffrent things and very far apart. Sigh. I like that you and your friends meet up outside the home. Less stress and pressure.


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