Tuesday, October 17, 2023


WWW. WEDNESDAY asks three questions to prompt you to speak bookishly. To participate, and to see how other book lovers responded, click 

PS I no longer participate in WWW.WEDNESDAY via that link because her blog won't accept Blogger comments. I mention this only to save you the frustration I experienced trying to link up.

1. What are you currently reading? Resilience by Elizabeth Edwards. Best known as a political spouse (wife of former Senator/VP candidate John Edwards), Elizabeth was also an attorney, an entrepreneur, and an author. This is her

second, and last, book, written after the public learned of her husband's infidelities and the return of her cancer. 

She saw resilience in many walks of life. The daughter of a career military man, she lived in Japan in the 1950s and met survivors of Hiroshima. She was personally affected by Vietnam: her father served and she attended the funerals of her friends' fathers who were killed in the conflict. She lost her own son in a car accident and struggled to find purpose in her life. Her father suffered a debilitating stroke. She was gobsmacked by a breast cancer diagnosis. Her husband's betrayal was covered by The National Enquirer.

All of this enhanced her natural empathetic/sympathetic tendencies and left her eager to share what she learned. This is a re-read for me. I believe she still has something to teach me. 

2. What did you recently finish reading? Hounded by David Rosenfelt. Ex-convict Danny Diaz was working hard to turn his life around. That made his murder shocking and sad, especially because he left behind a son and a basset hound. 

Dog? Did someone say "dog?" If a dog needs a human, Andy Carpenter is there. He's happy to give the dog a home, less enthusiastic about the boy, but Andy is a good guy, so he comes through for both kid and canine. Andy is also a crack defense attorney, and when a suspect is arrested in the Diaz murder, Andy finds himself handling the case. This makes him more involved with the Diaz murder than he ever wanted to be.

This book is an involving legal thriller but it's also very funny. Andy is a most engaging protagonist and I love this series. But here's a big, red letter WARNING: Do not read this one out of order. Characters and circumstances are introduced that have an impact on the later books.

3. What will you read next? The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden's White House by Franklin Foer.




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