Wednesday, April 05, 2023

It must be nice

 ... to be MAGA in that every day is a new dawn and you have no memory of anything that went before.

There is much gasping and handwringing over the "political persecution" of Donald Trump. How now we are a "banana republic" with a "weaponized" justice department. How convenient to have forgotten that they voted for a man who made "Lock Her Up" his rallying cry in in 2016 and never let it go.

November 2016

A year after the election and he's still obsessed with investigating and punishing her.


This man's brand is pettiness and using power to "settle scores."

So I prefer to think the 38% of Americans who oppose the indictment just have remarkably short memories. Otherwise I'd need hip boots to wade through the hypocrisy.


  1. Complete agreement here.

  2. It is beyond hypocrisy, and if we're not careful, we're going to lose democracy completely. Fascism is already tolling loudly in Florida and other Republican-run states. The news these days reads like a run-up to electing Hitler. It scares the bejeezus out of me.


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