Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Stealing


1. How old is the oldest expired thing in your refrigerator? I just dumped the remnants of a 1/2 gallon of 2% milk down the drain. This is why I'd prefer not to buy the 1/2 gallon, even though it's "a better deal." I hate the waste of it. But they were out of the quarts when I went grocery shopping 10 days ago so ...

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done on a date? I went bowling. That's not weird, I rather enjoy bowling. It's just that the guy who asked me out had (1) just cut his finger doing something DIY and (2) was obsessed with his new khakis. After he would release the ball -- every time! -- he would put on a fresh Band Aid because he was afraid the holes in the ball has loosened the "old" one. He wasn't worried about infection, he didn't want to get blood on his pants. I kept offering, "We don't have to bowl. Let's go sit at the bar and talk." I don't recall if we actually finished the game, I just remember how annoyed I was. Oh yeah, and he was a funny kisser. He pulled me to him with a hand on top of my head and the other under my chin. The bowling date was our third date. We didn't have a fourth. I felt bad that I hurt his feelings by cutting it off, but this was not going to go anywhere.

3. What animal most closely resembles your eating style? I have no answer for this. Sorry.

4. Have you ever sent someone a text you didn’t mean to? Technically speaking, no. Because it was my cat Reynaldo who did it. Last month he walked across my phone while it was charging and randomly sent a newish friend a scary Pennywise gif. Oh well, if you're going to be in my life, you'd better get to know Reynaldo.


5. If you could learn any language fluently, which would it be? Spanish

6. Would you rather be bald or covered head to toe with hair? Hairy. It's easier to shave than it is to grow new hair.

7. Do you think you’re brave? Not really. I don't take chances. I'm tough, but that's something a little different.

8. What horror fiction character scares you the most? Actually, it's Pennywise. The book IT scared the bejesus out of me. Maybe Reynaldo's random GIF wasn't so random after all.

9. What food do you crave more than any other? Chocolate

10. Which holiday would you erase from the calendars, if you could? New Year's Eve. It's just another day, people.

11. What’s the most clever word you know?


12. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? I suspect it will be sudden.

13. What do you collect that nobody knows about? I have a ton of mid-century movie mags around here somewhere.

14. Have you ever eaten only candy for dinner? Yes.

15. Have you ever taken anything illegally across a border? Just that family I was trying to hide from Judge Jeanine Piro.

16. Have you ever blown your nose in anything other than a tissue? No.

17. Are you a good time manager? Ha! No.

18. Has life been hard on you? At times. There were difficult people in my childhood and they left their everlasting mark.

19. What is the absolute worst song in the world? I haven't got it narrowed down to one, but I promise you it's by Barry Manilow.

20. What is your culinary specialty? I plop a salmon filet on my George Foreman grill and let it sizzle as I toss a salad. Good and good for you!


  1. Okay, I've never been afraid of clowns, but that gif of Pennywise is rather disturbing.

  2. #19 reminds me that my sister used to call him Barely Manenough.

  3. I like Pennywise as a horror character. The book is ace and the recent films were good too.




  4. What a strange date! (And even stranger .gif).

    Re #16 - not even a handkerchief?

  5. Loved all of your answers, especially #11.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  6. Wonder how your cat settled on a Pennywise GIF. So many other choices. Lol!

  7. I always thought Mandy was Manilow's creepiest song. Listening to the lyrics makes you think of a creepy child watcher or something.


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