Saturday, June 02, 2012

Our favorite son returns

I admit that, as I watch his administration unfold day by day, I'm less than completely enamored with Barack Obama. I thought his support for gay marriage was bloodless and politically motivated. I am disturbed that his foreign policy is really just a continuation of George W. Bush's.

But in the abstract, I am so proud of him. I believe in what he represents. Like Bill Clinton, but even more so, Barack Obama proves that we are in control of our own fates in this country. His childhood was unconventional and chaotic. But he was smart, driven and talented and he made the most of his gifts.

And in the best ways, he represents the City of Chicago. He's at once idealistic and pragmatic. He's tough. And tonight, he's home.

He attended a fundraiser at one of my favorite buildings -- The Cultural Center. I pass it every workday but it's one of those sites that's so majestic I really never tired of looking at it. Over the past 100 years, it's been a Civil War Memorial and a public library and now it's the home to concerts and art exhibits.

And tonight, it plays host to our favorite son, President Barack Obama, and it was exciting to see the sidewalks filled with people, all their camera phones pointed at the building, hoping to see him enter. The el platform was full, too -- not with the usual Friday rush commuters but instead with citizens wanting an elevated view of the Prez.

It was inspiring and fun.

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