Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I'm sooooo tiredll

All I have done today is sleep. It's wearying, having a cold and waiting for surgery. I'm glad the wait is almost over.

At least I hope it is. I'm still coughing. It's possible that under these circumstances the anesthesiologist will feel squeamish about putting me under. The physician's assistant I spoke to feels it's unlikely, since my chest x-ray was clear and my bloodwork shows no infection, but it's ultimately up to the anesthesiologist. I'll find out tomorrow.

It's maddening! But no more maddening than the snafu I encountered this morning. The hospital where I'll be having the surgery called and said they never received my bloodwork. Neither did my oncologist's office! I visited the lab back on August 27. (I know because I blogged about it! Today was a great moment in my personal blog history, because I actually pulled up that post when I called the lab to confirm which day I appeared in their waiting area.)

That was finally straightened off after much time on hold, listening to tinny piano instrumental muzak. Then I found out that the insurance company never submitted the necessary short-term disability paperwork to my doctor. I'll call them tomorrow. I just couldn't cope with being on hold another moment today.

Tom the account guy gave me a card. Dave the art director brought me more movies to watch during my convalescence. I got lots of hugs. Lana took one last opportunity to tell me about her doomed romance, and it was nice to be reassured she's fond of me and to be distracted from my upcoming "gutting." I attended a status meeting and kicked off a project that will be presented before I return. That was weird.

My boss was weird, too. I asked him if he was sure he'd still need me in six weeks and instead of, "of course," he said, "we'll see." Then, after he saw my face he added, "Don't worry, we'll save some work for you." Bastard.

I gabbed to my oldest friend for a while. She was great, as only she can be. I must remember this. She walked me through the hospital process and made me laugh along the way. She can always make me laugh and she knows how to chill me out. And I know she loves me. Important to remember!

Kathleen gave me a ride home and reassured me about cancer. She, after all, would know that even if I have it, it doesn't have to be dire. Then I got home and slept on the couch.

It's been stressful.


  1. It'll be okay. All this confusion is pretty normal, it'll come together when you actually report to the hospital for surgery.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. don't you wonder why all the craziness goes along with a hospital visit?
    it seems that way with everyone who has to go in...
    they can't find this paper...what happen to that test...oh did they tell you this-that....?????
    it is like oh my gosh folks, get it together.
    i know you are going to do fine and in no time you will be bitchin' about going back to work !! haha...isn't it crazy when we have to go back...we want to but then don't?
    us bloggers love you and are praying to for speedy recovery!!

  3. Stressful. Paper tigers need a good crack of the whip! Hang in there, Gal.

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I thought I commented earlier, but i don't see it. (It's been hectic here this evening, so I may have not hit submit.)

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck! I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow, and will worry until I see a "made it through the surgery" update here. :)

  5. my thoughts and prayers are with you this morning..(friday am)asking for God's protection during your surgery!

  6. I am hoping you find this when you get home. Because I figure you'll probably be feeling really crumy, like I was when you came and encouraged me.

    I appreciated you telling me about your friend and how he used his diabetes to create his love of cooking and become a foodie. I am still not to that point, but I am using that inspiration in the kitchen. What really helped was the point you made about finding a way to make my negative into a positive. I have always hated taking medication and always said I'd not make a good junkie as I hate needles. So having to learn to inject myself was a real downer. But then, I took your attitude. And I am realizing I can do what I have to do when I have to do it, at least in this case. And that has lead me to a more consistent peace on the things I cannot do anything about.

    So thank you. Now get better. We need you out here.

  7. Has anyone heard from her?


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