Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to me, pt . 10

Ah, the rapture of a Pumpkin Pie Martini!

I drank my frou-frou holiday cocktails while my best friend drank beer. We celebrated my birthday at a bar, then went out to dinner and exchanged Christmas gifts, and then settled back at Eno, a favorite of ours, for flights of chocolate and wine.

I really love having him here. Everything is just a bit more right in the universe when he's around. We compared notes on the kids in our lives, our families, our jobs, our feelings about the state of the world ... I never run out of things to say to him. I wish he could stay longer.


  1. You're up to 8 celebrations?!! Wow, I'm lucky if I get one celebration.

  2. Pumpkin pie martini?? I might have to give it a yuck. But I'm thrilled (vicariously) that you got to have such a great visit with your bestie and celebrated one more time.


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