Monday, September 08, 2008

My mom and her doctor

My mother's gastrointestinal specialist called her yesterday afternoon when I was there visiting. At first she was frightened -- how bad must her test results be for him to call her on a Sunday? She quickly went from tense to downright giggly. Seems the doctor's wife and kids were off at his in-laws and he went into the office to clear off his desk, and one of the things on his "to do" list was call my mother.

Her test results were informative but not disturbing. She needs to take a different/additional antibiotic and hopefully she will feel better.

But more than discussing the results of the call, she wanted to talk about the caller. Her doctor is "so cute!" She wonders why someone so good looking would be so interested in bowels and intestines! He has dark ashes and dark hair but light skin and blue eyes. My 70-something mother was completely gushing.

"You make him sound like Ricky Nelson," I observed. "Yes!" she responded enthusiastically.


  1. That sounds like me calling one of my dad's doctors "McHottie"

    tee hee

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Kind of reminds me of the pediatrician that my brother (and both my sisters have gone to see when they've been sick). He's the type of doctor that will call his patients after hours to give lab results or just check up on them. He's also the type of doctor who will stand up to overbearing mothers (mine!) to defend their daughters (me!). Hm, perhaps that's given me an idea for a future blog post.


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