Sunday, May 25, 2008

Gloriously awful!

I am watching Divorce His, Divorce Hers. This 1973 Taylor-Burton made-for-TV is garish and overwrought. This story of a disintegrating marriage takes place in Italy and Africa and England (both London and "in the country"). Liz is backcombed and bejeweled. Dick talks about "massive investments" in "international conglomerates."

"You cahn't leave us!"
"I must."
"You hate me don't you?"
"You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you?"
"Beat me, loathe me if you must, but please don't leave me!"

A small part of me is genuinely appalled. This is the couple who did Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Early in their relationship, they brought daring realism to the depiction of domestic warfare. How did they get here? How did they sink to this?

But the bigger part of me is fascinated. Look at that enormous red headband holding her fall in place! Is that THE diamond she's wearing? I wonder how she'd look without all that eyeshadow. Why … does he … speak like … THIS? These odd pauses make him sound like the Welsh Captain Kirk.

In short, I'm enjoying this immensely.

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