Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I might as well just have a hot dog

Back in April, I realized that I looked like a fat pigeon. So I began working out more. In addition to visiting the gym more, I've upped my cardio and added a couple of weight machines to my routine. I have actually begun eating salad, which I most emphatically hate, and have tried to substitute my daily chocolate fix with yogurt or fruit.

So here we are, four months later. Today at lunch, when I looked at my reflection in the store window, guess who looked back at me. Yeah, it was the lady on the right again!

I'm trying not to be completely demoralized, instead remembering all the good I've done my heart, lungs, bones and digestive system. But I also gave in and stopped at America's Dog because, well, what the hell. And now I'm off to get a Snickers. I'll have salad tonight.


  1. I feel ya sister!!

    For me it takes like months to lose 5 pounds and one naughty meal to gain it all back ;-).

  2. If only it were as easy to lose as it is to gain! I have to remind myself that I didn't get like this overnight, but it sure feels like it.

  3. whats this losing weight thing you speak of?

  4. Well...I hope you enjoyed the hell out of that Snickers bar, and I think you should remember that it *is* okay to treat yourself now and then!

    Pigeons are people too!! (LoL)


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