Monday, July 23, 2007

What's Joe Biden really running for?

I just watched the CNN/You Tube debate. The top tier Democratic candidates is still the top tier, though I agree with the CNN commentator who said Hillary was so dominant that they (Clinton, Obama and Edwards) were like Gladys Knight and the Pips.

Still, the one whose answers I found myself looking forward to was Joe Biden.

I don't agree with him on everything, but he's so smart and so clearly on top of it all when it comes to Iraq and international diplomacy. Very impressive. So I wonder if he has a place (Secretary of State?) in a Clinton, Obama or Edwards administration.

1 comment:

  1. I love Biden for a few reasons.

    One, there is that Delaware connection he and I have. And secondly, he will tell the truth and say whatever comes to mind as opposed to whatever should be said to get votes.


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