Monday, July 23, 2007

Look! I'm smiling again!

That oppressive sense of sad has lifted somewhat. It always does. Why can't I remember that? Over the weekend, when my mother finished telling me how very, very worried she is about my two sisters, she asked, "And how are you, my love?"

"Fine," I lied, and then distracted her with a story about my cat Reynaldo, who very creatively and athletically managed to get diarrhea on the wall beside the litter box. (We're pet people, Mom and I; anecdotes like that don't creep us out.)

Anyway, I'm glad I didn't burden her with my slow unraveling because I think the worst is past. After all:

• The sky is bright blue.
• I found $15 I forgot I had, which I promptly spent on a new CD. (Love Finds Its Own Way, aka Gladys Knight's greatest hits. It's a perfect mood lifter for an old fart like me.)
• I got a new pedi, and my nails are now "Sheer Honesty." (Go ahead, ask my toes anything; they won't lie to you.)
• My best friend texted me from his daughters' swim meet to let me know everything is "better." I don't know if that means "fine," but I'm not asking. The important thing is he knew I had a rather extensive dentist appointment Saturday and he was establishing contact and lending support.

I must remember to stay IN THE MOMENT!! The Cubs lost two in a row, but they are still right on the heels of Milwaukee. After the horror that was last season,that should be enough. My best friend's life may not be peachy, but regardless of what he's going through on his end, he thought of my poor, ravaged gums, and I should just be happy with that. Greg Maddux is pitching tonight! I must treasure every opportunity I have to catch the Professor in action. (Have I mentioned that I love him?)

I can't fix everything or everyone. I can't control tomorrow. This moment, what's right in front of me, is good. If I manage to focus on that, I may manage to keep smiling.

Show of hands: How many of you are saying, "duh!" right now?


  1. Now that is an excellently positive attitude. And your right, diarrehea on the wall is just diarrehea on the wall.

  2. Definitely not saying Duh. Put me in the "Amen Choir" instead.

    It's nice to feel better, in't it?

  3. Your posts always put a smile on my face - glad to hear that there is now one on yours!!


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