Thursday, June 14, 2007

So hello, Gorgeous!

Last night I went to a $15/head fundraiser for John Edwards at a Loop bar. I'm still undecided as to who I'm for, but it was only $15. Considering how expensive campaigns are, and how long we have to go before a single Iowan casts a vote, $15 doesn't seem like much of a commitment, does it?

The Edwards campaign is very smart. Hillary grew up in the Chicagoland area, and Bill is still much beloved around these parts. Obama is our senator. And yet the evening news showed that Edwards drew an overflow crowd, with supporters waiting outside, waiting patiently but ultimately unsuccessfully, to get in. Of course, it helps that the bar the campaign chose only held about 200.

John Edwards is the best-looking man I've ever seen (in real life). I was just about 3 feet away from the stage so I got a very good look at him. He's not Hugh Grant or Benjamin Bratt handsome, but then who knows how good they look within 3 feet? Edwards has completely beautiful eyes, improbably wrinkle-free skin and yes, the hair is gorgeous. He may not be movie/tv star handsome, but he's definitely anchorman handsome.

Handsome is as handsome does. I admire Elizabeth so much and am so grateful for her book, her wisdom, and her example. But blue eyes and a terrific wife are not reasons to elect a man President! I just wish Edwards, or Hillary, or Obama would do something that would make me believe with all my heart. I don't want to be undecided. Come on, Dems! INSPIRE ME!


  1. You just made my day with this post. Keep it a secret but I'm a bit of a political junkie. I've read about these $15 get togethers with Edwards. I think they're very reasonable when you consider some candidates charge a few hundred dollars a plate.

    I haven't made up my mind except anybody but Republican, but I like Edwards healthcare proposals. I don't live in the US. I have national health in Japan. I never worry about the cost of the doctor or medicine for me or my family. My mom in California has Kaiser. Prescription drugs kill her. She was just prescribed a generic drug that cost $170 for one month's worth!

    I haven't read Elizabeth Edwards book. I'd like to. She sounds like an incredible woman. I think the fact he was smart enough to choose her and hang on to her does say a bit about the man.

    Thanks for the post and I look forward to hearing your views further down the road.

    aka gabriella hewitt

  2. How would you feel if Al Gore enters the race? We need a very strong democrat contender and I don't think this group can do it. I like Hillary, but she is polarizing....I'm in NH and maybe I should get out there and try to meet a candidate this summer.

    I didn't know about the $15 meet and greet, I will keep my eyes open for that.

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I'm with you. I'm definitely with the Dems (always have been) but I'm not inspired by any of these. Oh, I'd love for Hillary to be president, but I doubt that she could get elected. And the others just don't inspire me yet. We shall see how it goes!

    I hadn't heard about Edwards' $15 fundraisers. May have to keep my ears open for one of those.

  4. Did you send your Boyfriend the $6.10 to get his pie recipe?

  5. Sparky Duck, you know me so well it's creepy. However, since I try to do nothing in the kitchen beyond turn on the microwave or fill the catfood bowls with kibble, I passed it along to a friend.


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