Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm so shallow and low-brow, I should be ashamed

Yeah, but I'm not, so let's get past it.

Our office closes early on Fridays during the summer and so here I am, eating a salad (which I hate), drinking Arbor Mist strawberry zinfandel (yes, I know) and watching (sigh) Judge Alex.

Judge Alex Ferrer is so handsome! I know the from show's opening that he was once a cop, then a trial lawyer, then a criminal court judge, and now, an afternoon courtroom show hottie. He's got great shoulders, beautiful hands, and so many teeth I suspect that he's somehow distantly related to Donny and Marie.

There are so many things I should be doing: scrubbing the tub, a load of laundry (or three), paying my bills ... But I luxuriate in these lazy, stolen Friday afternoons: just me, my wine, and my afternoon courtroom hottie. Life is good! If only I had a cheeseburger instead of this damn salad, my life would be perfect.


  1. you do notice there are times he has trouble stringing coherent sentences togther right?

  2. Oh, Sparky! You are not allowed to call me out on such things. Not unless you're pretending Scarlett Johannsen is replacing Susan Sontag ... (I read your blog, too.)

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    I watch Judges Judy and Marilyn Milain myself! However, I am very suspicious of qualified professionals who prostitute their qualifications for the sake of crowd pleasing.

  4. Im ashamed I had to look Susan Sontag up, and you know Scarlett could morph that way someday.

  5. Well, Nicholas, since I'm a member of the viewing public that's pleased by these shows, I can't judge too harshly. (Marilyn Milian is great -- "STICK A FORK IN ME, I'M DONE")

  6. Sparky, unless by saying Scarlett could "morph that way" you mean that like Sontag she'll dabble in bisexuality, I'm not buying it. Somehow I don't see that lippy blonde traveling to Iraq and speaking for the intelligentsia about the morality of the US involvement ... But you know, as I said in the headline, sometimes it's OK to indulge in low-brow, shallow pleasures.


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