Monday, May 21, 2007

Ooooh, look! It's my favorite geeky TV boyfriend!

Dan Abrams is substituting for Joe Scarborough on MSNBC's Scarborough Country the week. I love him.

I began watching when he was MSNBC's legal correspondent and host of The Abrams Report. We followed the Michael Jackson and Scott Petersen trials together. I loved how informed and opinionated he was. He was always polite, but he never pretended to be an objective telejournalist. He has a Columbia law degree and has written for the Yale Law Review and is an articulate commentator.

I imagine he was just as passionate and pro-active behind the scenes because one day he went from host of The Abrams Report to MSNBC General Manager. His promotion meant the end of his show.

I'm happy his career took off, but I've missed him. And his cool ties and his kinda watery eyes.

1 comment:

  1. so what do you think of the shaggier, rougher Abrams look of today?


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