Monday, May 21, 2007

But I really, REALLY want one!

I had one Coke before I left for work and another Coke with my salmon salad sandwich. That's it. It's now a little after 4:00 and I have no energy whatsoever.

It seems I have only two choices:

Curl up in a ball and nap

Race to the pop machine for a cold, delicious, caffeine-stoked Classic Coke

I am resisting both very strong impulses and am instead opting for ice water.

I am not enjoying this. I thought virtue was its own reward. How come drinking water makes me feel like I'm being punished, not rewarded?


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gal, I'm with you all the way. Water? Do you know what fish do in that?

  2. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Go on!! One more Coke won't hurt you!

  3. 4C has those mixes that you put in your water bottle that makes the water taste better and is zapped with guarine, the stuff in Red Bull i think.


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