Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #14 - Why I'd Like to Switch Places with My Cats

Thirteen Reasons why
would willingly trade places with her cats

I wouldn’t want to be just any cat. (I realize that there are countless cats suffering or at risk, and if I could, I would bring them all indoors to my home.) But I look at my cats and at times I feel tremendous envy.

Naturally my cats are the most attractive, intelligent and fascinating feline trio ever! (Just ask them.) And their lives are pretty cushy. Here’s how I imagine my life is I switched places with them …

1. Instead of leaving for work, at 8:30, I’d be doing whatever I pleased. I might be chasing a ball with a bell inside (like Rey) or indulging in a little after-breakfast grooming (like Charlotte) or finding the perfect spot in the sun for my morning nap (like Joey).

2. I’d eat better. They have premium cat food I buy directly from the vet; I eat McDonald’s.

3. The phone, the buzzer and the alarm clock would never have anything to do with me.

4. I could leap to the top of the refrigerator or the armoire.

5. My life would be more exciting and glamorous. When I look at a twist tie, I wouldn’t see a twist tie, I’d see a dangerous snake that must be pounced upon and vanquished! A shirt box would be a luxurious four-poster bed. A paper shopping bag would be a cave.

6. I’d be more patient and content, able to sit perfectly still as I stare at my human and telepathically try to convince her to share the milk from her breakfast cereal, and I’d be perfectly happy at the window, spending long moments just watching leaves blow by.

7. I’d have a tail.

8. I could nap anywhere – along the back of the sofa, on the windowsill, under the bed … sometimes even on the bed.

9. Cat nip!

10. With my exceptional night vision, my schedule wouldn’t depend upon mundane things like the clock, or sunrise/sunset.

11. There’s a confidence that comes with knowing you’re descended from Egyptian gods.

12. I could mess with my human by suddenly turning my head and staring at the front door. (Ha! Made her look!)

13. Wouldn’t know or care about Iraq, or Afghanistan, or the crisis in health care or even the tragedy of homeless dogs and cats. After all, to me, the cable box would just be a warm place to perch, and Chicago Tribune something to nest upon.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Rashenbo's important TT about literacy is at

2. Tink shares 13 things she does on her computer at

3. Jade recommends 13 addictive TV shows at

4. I sighed while reading Thomma Lyn's TT at

5. Go to for a TT that's so on-target it's scary!

6. Susan's highly imaginative Kerri/Mitchell TT is at

7. Take a TT trip to beautiful, sunny Cuba (& visit one gi-normous snake!) at

8. Jamie's funny, yet painful, TT is at

9. Jenny McB's bloody brilliant -- and blood-related -- TT is at

10. Janet's fun and imaginative things that begin with k are at

11. Kathy's generous TT birthday wishlist is at

12. For 13 things you didn't know about Bermuda, go to

13. L^2's more or less musical TT is at (she's right about "Kokomo")

14. Dewey's TT TBR list is at

15. Qtpies7's multi-media TT about Scrubs is at

16. Gabriella's TT is trip down memory lane to grad school at

17. She's TT is devoted to (shudder!) Karaoke. I'm tone deaf and will not sing in public, but if I did, I'd borrow from her set list at

18. Crazy Working Mom's "mature" TT is at

19. Teamouse's 13 big oops's is at

20. Starla's horrifically funny TT is at

21. Frigga denies saying EVER any of the things in her TT at

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. #5 and #11 are the big ones for me! And I'm not a cat person, but those are reasons enough to morph for me! :D

    Great idea for a list, I enjoyed reading it.

  2. O yeah, my cats have a similar life and I often wish I could trade places with them. Although... I'd miss a lot of my own life too! :-)
    My TT: Thirteen things I do on the computer.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Cats! got to love them!

  5. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hee hee hee! I can't quit giggling. What a wonderful list! I'm owned by four cats, and I have often thought what fun, to be any one of them for a day.

    I'd sit up on top of the stereo receiver and leisurely wash myself. Coffee stirrers would be tests of great courage, for in the eyes of cats, they are evil beasties that must be dispatched. I loved what you said about the "confidence from knowing you're descended from Egyptian gods." And oh, being able to 'nip out would be divine!

    Your list was delightful! Happy TT and big smiles to you from a fellow cat purr-son. :)

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Oh, yes. My five cats have that life, too. I don't envy them, though. They don't get to play on the computer.

  7. ooh, LOVE the last one, but they are all good. I'd love to be one of my cats for the day. It'd be cool.

    Happy TT!

  8. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Love that list! DH and I have had conversations about this very thing but about our dogs. Happ TT!

  9. I've thought about changing places with my dogs from time to time; I've always wondered what it would be like to have a tail! Have a great week and Happy TTing.
    A Flyover Blog

  10. Rory, Miss Priss, Ki Ki Boom, and Mittens approve of you as a cat sitter. It is obvious your felines have you as well trained as their person.

  11. As a cat owner, your list was funny. My cats have it so easy. I am really a dog person, but don't tell my cats that.

  12. Spend 75% of my life napping. OH yeah.

  13. Cute T13 :) Cats do have a good life, eh?

  14. Nice creative list! #1 & 3 are the best reasons to be a cat. But I don't think I miss the hacking-up-hairballs thing that cats do.

  15. I've always said that in my next life I want to come back as a cat. Preferably with an owner like me! I spoil mine rotten!

  16. LOL! I LOVE your list! There are times when I think I'd like to trade places with my dogs too.

  17. Anonymous11:20 PM

    These are all great, but you just can't beat that having a tail thing. And triangle ears!

  18. LOL! I post online as my cat, Caligula.

  19. Those are great! Thanks so much for the giggles!
    Oh to be a cat...... I've always wanted to lounge in the sunny spot of the window.

  20. Anonymous2:08 AM

    My mom is the cat queen. I've always thought that if I came back as an animal I'd want to be a cat in her house. Talk about being indulged!

    Happy TT Day!

  21. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Wonderful list. My cats, and even the dogs, have a lifestyle to which I aspire. Premium food, lots of toys, warm beds, cuddles and no bills *sigh*

    I wonder how they'd feel about switching with us?

  22. Those are fabulous! I love #11--but then I'm a cat person too :D

  23. Wow, what a great life!!! I'm with ya there.
    Great list.

  24. So many good reasons to be your cats - I always knew my cat had it good....great list!

  25. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Loved the list!

    I often wish that I was one of my cats especially when the morning comes and I have to get out of bed to go to work while they stay snuggled on my bed.

    Lucky critters!

  26. Can I be one of your cats too???
    My TT13 is up at

  27. I always say my pets live a far better life than I do! Well, maybe not better, but certainly less stressful!!

    Great list-Happy TT!
    Jessica The Rock Chick

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Cute list. :) I have often thought it would be great to be a pampered pet... especially because of your #13.


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