Friday, April 27, 2007

Hi. I look like a fat pigeon.

Really, I do. I caught sight of myself in a store window at lunch today and this is a reasonable facsimile of what looked back out at me.

Fortunately I was able to work out today. The pain in my knee has lessened somewhat so I wasn't worried about hurting it more. I did just 10 minutes on the treadmill -- don't wish to overdo -- and a full 20 on the stationery bike for 30 minutes of cardio. Because of my poor old knee, I hadn't been able to do that in a while. I topped it off with 16 reps on one of the arm machines. I'm still scared to try any leg machines yet.

So this activity helped my heart and my self-esteem. But there's still my pigeon profile to contend with.

I don't diet. I just can't. I have no willpower, and then I feel bad about myself and then the self-loathing gets out of control and, well, you get the idea.

But there is one thing I can do very easily that will help, and that is substitute water for Coke.

I drink Coke constantly. It's as though there's a red can epoxied to my hand. I consume Classic Coke the way other people drink coffee. One in the morning before work, one as soon as I get into work, one with lunch, another at my desk if I'm working late, one when I get home. That's 4-5 cans of Coke each day. That's 600 completely empty calories each day, too. Adjusting the total bit for my weekend consumption, that's 4,000 calories per week.* Which ain't helping my curvaceous pigeon profile none!

So in addition to increasing activity, I shall reduce my caloric intake. Beginning Monday, it will be water when I first come in from work. Every day. And I'll just suck on the water bottle until it's empty. No Coke for The Gal if there's H2O in the bottle.

*Are you impressed? I really don't do numbers, you know.


  1. I don't know what you did to your knee, but have you ever tried yoga? It seems corny at first, but it's good work out for a klutz like me.

    OMG girl, you have got to break that coke habit. But don't go cold turkey. Substitute one/day for water, then next week, do two or you will have a hard time giving it up for good.

    They had a nasty article about how bad soda is for teeth a few weeks ago, even the sugarless.

    At least you are getting to the gym, I had a 101 reasons not to be active today. Too bad we can't count calories for blogging.

  2. Thanks for the words of support on the Coke thing. Summer of 2004 I switched from Red Bull and Monster back to Coke and thought I was doing myself a favor. But I realize that all this sugar and caffeine can't be good for me. You're right, though, in that I have to do it slowly. All I need is to be a fat pigeon with caffeine-withdrawal headaches! (I don't know what I did to my knee, either, but it seems to be healing on its own. Thank God!)

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Yes, I second jennymcb -- it would be really good if you could cut out the Coke. But alas, I'm not so hot about the water drinking thing, either -- I drink a whole lot of coffee and diet soda, arrrgh. The best thing I drink is green tea. But I really ought to drink more water.

    Good luck in your quest re: exercising and eating right -- it's an ongoing struggle, that's for sure. I need to get my butt outside and walk tomorrow -- I've missed a number of days, and if I break the habit, it's that much harder to get back into it.


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