Friday, March 30, 2007

They found my Achilles' heel!

I made a dumb mistake at work. I was supposed to pass all the client's input on to the art director (who had to leave at noon to take one of his kids to the doctor). I didn't see that the document was multiple pages and only gave him one page. My lame-ass screw up wasn't discovered until he'd left. With this laptop, so he had all the files. We couldn't pass the job along to another art director.

We had to call him on his cell, interrupt his afternoon off, and make him crank out the revisions.

My mistake. My sloppiness. My fault.

Guess how the art director responded to my apology? He said, literally, "No problem-o."

Guess how the account supe responded to my apology? He said, "It was simple human error. Forget about it."

We almost missed our due date because of me. My art director and account supervisor were stressed out and inconvenienced because of me. And no one has the decency to be angry at me.

See, by being nice about this, they have deprived me of my righteous indignation. Now I am left with nothing but my horrible guilt.

And I do feel awful about this.

1 comment:

  1. Bah. This is exactly what happens in a company run by humans. If you want mechanical precision you go work in a machine shop. I wouldn't sweat it. Heck, when someone interrupts my day off for some random screw up I always love it as it gives me the chance to be the hero. I'm sure your art director feels the same way. Sure it sucks to be the goat but at least you made someone else feel ten feet tall for a moment or two.


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