Friday, March 23, 2007

I miss my conscience

I remain prouder of my work for Senator John Kerry than I am of just about anything else I've ever done. One of the most important things I learned from that campaign was a deep, abiding respect for the troops, those with their "boots on the ground." I learned this from listening to Senator Kerry, who served bravely himself, and from those who proudly served with him. (Yes, I met a man who was actually on the Swiftboat with Lt. Kerry. You should hear how HE feels about so-called the "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth"!)

But if my conscience isn't being tweaked, I forget. I move on. And I haven't sent a package to Operation Shoebox in ages. Shame on me.

Well, that changes with a box that's going out tomorrow.

If you'd like to help the troops in a visceral, non-partisan way, you can send personal care items (or money to be used for shoeboxes filled with treats and surprises) to this organization. Their website appears above.

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