Thursday, March 29, 2007

For Cubs fans like me, everything old is new again

It's spring, and as April approaches, I dare to hope again. I dream just as generation after generation of my family have dreamt since 1908. Next year is finally here!

I thought this year would be different because now we have Soriano and Lou. But alas, as the Cubs opener draws closer, we find ourselves wondering the same damn thing:

"What about Wood and Prior?"


  1. Now, now... just admit it, if the cubs won the series that would take ALL the fun out of it. :)

  2. You have a point, Rob. Truth to tell, I really don't ever expect the Boys in Blue to even get into the World Series. I will love them no matter what. BUT last year was inexcusably bad, even by my generous standards. I really do believe Wood wants to redeem himself, but I'm soooo tired of Prior.


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